Health issues can occur anytime and are even more disruptive when far from home. Travel, especially international travel, can increase the risk of illness such as tropical diseases, exacerbations of chronic disease and also conditions such as deep vein thrombosis. As such, it is important to seek expert advice to prevent illness, disease or injury before travel. Our clinic is here to help – after all no one wants their holiday ruined by something that could have been prevented.

Before travelling overseas, consider booking a nurse appointment to discuss safe travel and reduced risk from disease. These consults are best made at least 6-8 weeks prior to departure to allow time for vaccinations. Some destinations require specialist input from a travel Doctor. Please discuss with our phone nurses. Some vaccinations are required for travel to certain regions such as yellow fever. Although the practice cannot currently provide yellow fever vaccination or certificates, we can provide advice as to whether this is something that is required. Up to date advice re COVID testing and vaccinations is also needed at various destinations as this is constantly changing.

Common topics discussed include:

  • Health risks
  • Safe travel
  • Vaccinations
  • Prescriptions needed during your travels
  • Jet lag
  • Bite prevention
  • Traveller’s diarrhoea prevention and treatment
  • Travelling with children
  • Fit to fly assessments

Virtual consultations are available.

After travel

Follow up visits may be necessary depending on where you have travelled and especially if you are unwell.